Improving Our Community,
One Donation at a Time
The TPR Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Public Foundation which provides a way for individuals, and organizations to make tax-deductible contributions for the benefit of senior citizens in the Southeast Valley including Trilogy at Power Ranch.
Consult your accountant about your tax deductible contribution
You might be asking yourself…
Why should I donate to the TPR Foundation?
There are many seniors in the Southeast Valley in need of assistance to improve and maintain their health, well-being, and quality of life. Through the TPR Foundation, individuals, groups, and organizations can contribute to programs that enhance this quality of life in a tax-deductible manner.
How can I donate toward these causes?
Individuals, groups, and organizations may use a variety of methods to make contributions to the TPR Foundation including check, cash, and now online donations are available!
Need to make a donation by mail? click here for info
Even though you can now make a donation by credit card or PayPal on our site, you might prefer to send a check by mail.
Download Donation Form
This form should be enclosed with your check or cash and allows you to designate your contribution to a specific project or you may make an undesignated contribution to be used as needed by the Foundation for its charitable activities.
Funds donated by cash or check should be mailed to the following address:
TPR Foundation, Inc.
18521 E. Queen Creek Rd.
Suite 105 #288
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
You may also donate through to the MightyCause (formerly Razoo) Funding website. Questions about donations, projects, or the foundation may be made to any board member or through our email address at
Am I eligible to make a tax-deductible donation?
This program is open to all individuals, groups, and organizations interested in a tax-deductible method of contributing to support the health and well-being of our community’s senior citizens.